
Science Research Writing - Introduction

Science Research Writing - Introduction

Science Research Writing for Non-Native Speakers of English by (Glasman-Deal, 2009) takes all the credit for images and examples.


Information Flow


It’s probably true that your science writing has focused on describing what you did and what you found, which will help you write the central report section. However, writing an Introduction is a new task. In the introduction, you start by being fairly general and gradually narrowing your focus, whereas the opposite is true in the Discussion/Conclusion.

The best time to write an Introduction is after the report section has been written, or at least drafted.

A Model for Introduction

A useful writing model can be transferred, but don’t expect a perfect model.

All models are wrong, but some are useful. The famous quote about statistical models by George E.P. Box also applies to writing models.

Four Basic Components

Model Components
Part I
Establish the importance of your field
Provide background facts/information (possibly from research)
Define the terminology in the title/keywords
Present the problem area/current research focus
Part II
Previous and/or current research, and contributions
Part III
Locate a gap in the research
Describe the problem you will address
Present a prediction to be tested
Part IV
Describe the present paper

Train of Thoughts

A good writing model for the Introduction section should answer the following questions:

  • How do writers normally start the Introduction?
  • What type of information should it contain, and in what order?
  • How do writers normally end the Introduction?

When writing an Introduction, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Which of the research papers I have read should be mentioned somewhere in the Introduction?
  • Which ones should be part of the background and which ones should go in the literature review which comes later?
  • In what order should I mention them? There are several options:
    • chronological
    • different approaches/theories/models; begin each sentence with However or On the other hand
    • general/specific: Start with general and gradually move to research that is closer to your own


How to find out what the author is doing in a sentence, rather than what s/he is saying? Here are some methods:

  • What’s the difference for you as a reader if a sentence were deleted?
  • Look at the grammar and vocabulary clues.
    • What’s the tense and what is that tense normally used for?
    • Why did the author change the tense?

Include references wherever it is useful, even in a sentence whose function is primarily to provide a transition. Here are some of the reasons:

  • Plagiarism is unprofessional.
  • Give readers a chance to find and read the study mentioned.
  • Indicate the writer is familiar with the field.

Tense for Part IV

  • Use the Present Simple tense to describe the work itself and the Past Simple tense to talk about the aim of the work.
    • It is also possible to state the aim in the Present Simple tense. This is especially true in cases where the aim is only partially achieved in the paper you are submitting and the rest of the work will be done and reported on at a later stage.

Grammar and Writing Skills


Present Simple

  • In science writing, the Present Simple tense is used to state accepted facts and truth, but it’s the writer’s decision to decide what qualifies as facts and truth.
  • Using the Present Simple tense means that you believe your findings and deductions are strong enough to be considered facts or truth.

One way to toughen polymers is to incorporate a layer of rubber particles and there has been extensive research regarding the rubber modification of PLA.

Past Simple / Present Perfect

  • The Present Perfect tense is considered more relevant to the situation now than the Past Simple tense.

For example, Penney et al. showed that PLA composites could be prepared using blending techniques, and more recently, Hillier established the toughness of such composites. However, although the effect of the rubber particles on the mechanical properties of copolymer systems was demonstrated over two years ago, little attention has been paid to the selection of an appropriate rubber component.

Changing Tense

Tense changes are always meaningful, and they always signal a change in the function of the information.

Don’t change tense randomly, and make sure you change tense when you should.

Signaling Language

One of the most common errors in writing is failing to connect one sentence or idea to the next. The space between a full stop and the next capital letter is dangerous for the writer and readers. One of the tasks of a writer is to make sure the gap is closed so that the reader is carried carefully from one piece of information to the next.

Here are several ways to fill the gap:

  1. Overlap, meaning to repeat something from the previous sentence

    The pattern of inflammation during an asthma attack is different from that seen in stable asthma. In stable asthma, the total number of inflammatory cells does not increase.

    One way to toughen polymers is to incorporate a layer of rubber particles. As a result, there has been extensive research regarding the rubber modification of PLA.

  2. Pronoun or Pro-form

    Many researchers have suggested ways of reducing costs without affecting the quality of the image. These methods rely on data structures built during a preprocessing step.

    On the basis of these criteria, it then describes the preparation of a set of polymer blends using PLA and a hydrocarbon rubber (PI). This combination of two mechanistically distinct polymerizations formed a novel copolymer in which the incorporation of PI significantly increased flexibility.

  3. Join the first sentence to the next one with a semicolon or a relative clause

    The procedure for testing whether components are operationally safe usually takes many hours ; this means that tests are rarely repeated.

    It has received much attention over the past few decades due to its biodegradable properties, which offer important economic benefits.

  4. Signaling sentence connector

    asdue to (the fact that)
    becauseon account of (the fact that)
    sincein view of (the fact that)
    • Be careful with since, which is also often used to mean “from that time”. Use another word if there is any possibility of confusion.

    • All of them can be used at the start of a sentence.

    thereforeas a result (of which)
    consequentlywhich is why
    • Don’t start sentences with the word so, because it’s too informal.
    • You can sometimes use then, but it won’t always work. That’s why it was excluded from the list.
    Contrast / Difference 
    howeveron the other hand
    butby contrast
    • Be careful with while, which is also often used to mean “at that/the same time”. Use another word if there is any possibility of confusion.
    • on the contrary and conversely don’t fit into this category because they don’t only communicate differences; they communicate the fact that “exactly the opposite is true”.
    (Used at the beginning of a sentence)(Used at the middle of a sentence)
    Although / Even though / Thoughnevertheless
    Despite / In spite ofhowever
    Regardless ofyet
     even so
    • still and anyway are more informal, therefore excluded from the list.
    in additionalso
    moreoversecondly (etc.)
    furthermorein the second place (etc.)
    apart fromwhat is more
    • besides has a similar meaning, but it’s more powerful and should be used in more persuasive contexts.

Passive or Active

  • The word we can be used to refer to your research group or team, but not people or humanity in general; It’s better to use a construction with it, such as “It’s known/thought that …”; It’s more common to use the passive instead of we, especially in the central report section.
  • Cannot write your thesis using I, so probably write in the passive. Use words like here and in this study to let readers know when you are referring to your own work.
  • Use a “dummy” subject to take the place of I or we.

    This article describes an algorithm for clustering sequences into index classes.

    The present paper presents a set of criteria for selecting such a component.

  • The problem with using the passive in formal writing is that the agent (the person who performed the action of the verb) is often not mentioned in the sentence, so the reader may not know who did it or who identified it. This can cause confusion and for that reason, it is sometimes clearer to use a dummy subject rather than the ‘agentless’ passive.


Paragraphs are an important visual aid for effective reading (skimming) and writing.

Paragraphing for Effective Reading (Skimming)

  1. Read the title, and try to predict the type of information you expect to see.
  2. Glance at the name of the author. What you know about the writer will help you predict and evaluate the content.
  3. Check the date, and use it to help you assess the content.
  4. Read the abstract to find out what the researchers did and/or what they found.
  5. Read the first paragraph, without trying to understand all the words.
  6. Glance at the first sentence of each paragraph, without trying to understand all the words.
  7. Glance at each figure/table and read its title, to try and find out what type of visual data is included.
  8. Read the last paragraph, especially if it has a subtitle like “Summary” or “Conclusion”.

Paragraphing for Writing

No.6 - Glance at the first sentence of each paragraph

A paragraph in academic writing often starts with a topic sentence, which gives the main idea of the paragraph, and tells the reader what the paragraph is about. The rest are related to this idea by discussing, describing, defining, arguing, giving examples, rephrasing, etc. When the ‘topic’ or idea moves too far away from the first sentence, the writer usually begins a new paragraph.

It’s easy to form poor paragraphing habits:

  • often write one-sentence paragraphs
  • often write very long paragraphs
  • not sure when to start a new paragraph

When you are planning your paper, write down each idea/concept that you want to talk about, checking that they are in a logical order and then listing what you want to say about each, using bullet points.


Establishing Significance

Col 1Col 2
(a) basic issueeconomically important
(a) central problem(has) focused (on)
(a) challenging areafor a number of years
(a) classic featurefor many years
(a) common issuefrequent(ly)
(a) considerable numbergenerally
(a) crucial issue(has been) extensively studied
(a) current problemimportance/important
(a) dramatic increasemany
(an) essential elementmost
(a) fundamental issuemuch study in recent years
(a) growth in popularitynowadays
(an) increasing numbernumerous investigations
(an) interesting fieldof great concern
(a) key techniqueof growing interest
(a) leading cause (of)often
(a) major issueone of the best-known
(a) popular methodover the past X years
(a) powerful tool/methodplay a key role (in)
(a) profitable technologyplay a major part (in)
(a) range (of)possible benefits
(a) rapid risepotential applications
(a) remarkable varietyrecent decades
(a) significant increaserecent(ly)
(a) striking featuretoday
(a) useful methodtraditional(ly)
(a) vital aspecttypical(ly)
(a) worthwhile studyusually
(an) advantagewell-documented
attracted much attentionwell-known
benefit/beneficialwidely recognized
commercial interestwidespread
during the past two decadesworthwhile

Verbs in Literature Review

Col 1Col 2Col 3Col 4
achievedeal withillustrateprove
analyzedemonstrateimproveput forward
carry outdiscussmeasurereveal
concludeextendpoint outsuggest
confirmfocus onprefertest


Col 1Col 2Col 3Col 4
absence ofill-definedmisunderstandredundant
alternative approachimpracticalneed for clarificationremain unstudied
ambiguousimprobableneed to re-examinerequire clarification
computationally demandinginadequatenext steprisk
confined toincapableno correlationsuffer
defectincompletenot addressedunanswered
deficientinconclusivenot apparentuncertain
demand clarificationinconsistentnot dealt withunclear
difficultyinconvenientnot repeatableuneconomic
disadvantageincorrectnot studiedunfounded
disagreeineffectivenot sufficiently + adj.unlikely
doubtfulinefficientnot well understoodunnecessary
drawbackinferiornot/no longer usefulunproven
expensiveinsufficientof little valueunresolved
fail tolackover-simplisticunsatisfactory
fall short oflimitationoverlookunsolved
far from perfectmiscalculateproblemunsupported
gap in our knowledgemisleadingquestionable 
Col 1
it is necessary to…
few studies have…
there is an urgent need…
there is growing concern…
this is not the case…
Unfortunately, …
little evidence is available
little work has been done
more work is needed
  • Some of these words/phrases express very strong criticism. Try to alter them to make them more polite.

The Present Work

Col 1Col 2Col 3Col 4
able toevaluatenovel methodprovide
accurate(ly)excellent resultsobjectivereport
discussintentionpresent workvaluable
effective(ly)manage topresented in detail 
  • Don’t rely on one-size-fits-all verbs such as discuss; some chapters/sections do not “discuss” anything, and even if they do, their main purpose may be to compare things, analyze things or describe things rather than to discuss them.


  1. Glasman-Deal, H. (2009). Science research writing for non-native speakers of English. World Scientific.
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